coworking theme section 4

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  • #108694
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    Member since: July 21, 2016

    Hello, we are working with coworking theme. Section 4 code is

    [fancy-title text=”Pricing Plans” textcolor=”#282828″ textbigcolor=”#f0f0f0″ align=”center” textfontsize=”36″ textbigfontsize=”100″ separatorcolor=”#282828″]
    [space height=”40″]
    Maecenas imperdiet ante eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet. Sed tempor euante vel blandit. Uteleifend felis. Pellentesque hendrerit eget nisl id facilisis. Quisque mattis neque ut tincidunt mollis.
    [plans columns=”3″ haspopular=”yes”]
    [plan icon=”ADD IMAGE URL HERE” title=”Membership” price=”$39″ pricedes=”/ monthly” btntext=”SIGN UP” btnlink=”#”]Maecenas imperdi eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet tempor.[/plan]
    [plan icon=”ADD IMAGE URL HERE” popular=”yes” title=”Dedicated Desk” price=”$75″ pricedes=”/ monthly” btntext=”SIGN UP” btnlink=”#”]Maecenas imperdi eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet tempor.[/plan]
    [plan icon=”ADD IMAGE URL HERE” title=”Private Office” price=”$99″ pricedes=”/ monthly” btntext=”SIGN UP” btnlink=”#”]Maecenas imperdi eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet tempor.[/plan]

    It does not look like the demo.
    How can we make it look like demo
    Website address:
    Screenshot of the issue:
    Desired style:

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly use this shortcodes there.

    [fancy-title text="Pricing Plans" textcolor="#282828" textbigcolor="#f0f0f0" align="center" textfontsize="36" textbigfontsize="100" separatorcolor="#282828"][space height="40"]Maecenas imperdiet ante eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet. Sed tempor euante vel blandit. Uteleifend felis. Pellentesque hendrerit eget nisl id facilisis. Quisque mattis neque ut tincidunt mollis.
    [plans columns="3" haspopular="yes"][plan icon="ADD IMAGE URL HERE" title="Membership" price="$39" pricedes="/ monthly" btntext="SIGN UP" btnlink="#"]Maecenas imperdi eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet tempor.[/plan][plan icon="ADD IMAGE URL HERE" popular="yes" title="Dedicated Desk" price="$75" pricedes="/ monthly" btntext="SIGN UP" btnlink="#"]Maecenas imperdi eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet tempor.[/plan][plan icon="ADD IMAGE URL HERE" title="Private Office" price="$99" pricedes="/ monthly" btntext="SIGN UP" btnlink="#"]Maecenas imperdi eget lorem euismod, at feugiat massa aliquet tempor.[/plan]


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