Contact form: reduce space area, change text weight & color

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  • #73849
    Michael SuraceMichael Surace
    • Topics: 41
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    Member since: January 24, 2017


    on my interior design website you can see that im using in all pages the contact form 7 plugin. I need to modify that contact form with some changes:
    1. the title of the field must be white and not grey
    2. the textual space under the title must reduce about 50% (not for last notes space)
    3. the first title of the form must be more large (about 5 more?) actual the title is “MODULO RICHIESTA PREVENTIVI”

    Please, if you can help me, see the indication on this screenshot

    thank you,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Options>>Basic Settings>>Custom CSS Box:

    Add this code there:

    .wpcf7 form label { color:#fff !important;}
    .wpcf7-form p { margin-bottom:5px;}

    For large text kindly use title in strong tag:

    Example: <label><strong>MODULO RICHIESTA PREVENTIVI</strong></label>


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