Coffee Pro Theme – Question #2

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  • #80187
    Richard FosterRichard Foster
    • Topics: 7
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    Member since: July 25, 2017

    I want to play around with the contact form that is found on each inner page of the theme.

    I want to see what it looks like if it is removed, but I also need to test it to make sure that the form sends messages to a specific email.

    My questions are:
    1. How do I remove the Contact form from each page?
    2. How / where do i make adjustments to the contact form, including making sure that the form is linked to a specific email address?

    Contact Capture

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    1. Kindly go to Appearance » Widgets » Sidebar Main and drop drop an empty text widget there.

    2. Contact form emails by default goes to admin email id, if you want to change it kindly use below shortcode and replace [email protected] with your email address.

    [contactform to_email="[email protected]" title="Contact Form"]


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