Change theme background and remove spaces between sections

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  • #28687
    Kathleen BoyceKathleen Boyce
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 1
    • Total: 5
    Member since: November 16, 2015

    Dear support,

    While customizing the site (, we run into 2 challenges that cannot find the solutions.

    Challenge #1 – Site background color.
    We have a need to change the background color of the entire site. From reviewing your documentation, we found the following places to make that change:
    (1) Appearance -> Customize -> Colors -> Background Color (This parameter only change the background of page and not the overall site).
    (2) Appearance -> Customize -> Colors -> Background Image (This also only change the content page and not the site).
    (3) Appearance -> Theme Options -> Basic Settings ->Background Colors (This changes the background in some part of the site but not for the entire site).

    Challenge #2 – We hide Section #1 and enable Section #2 and found that there is large amount of blank spaces between the welcome page and the start of Section #2. We want to (1) Reduce amount of spaces between the Welcome page and Section #2 (Popular Procedures); (2) remove the time delay when Section #2 is displayed. In other words, as users scroll down Popular Procedure will come in from right to left and there is a delay. We want to disable the feature.

    Please advice…

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Kathleen,

    Kindly go to Appereance>>Theme Option>>Basic Setting>>Custom CSS Box

    Add this code there:

    body{background-color:#ffffff !important;}
    .header{background-color:#ffffff !important;}
    .welcometop{background-color:#ffffff !important;}

    For the section background color, Kindly go to Appereance>>Theme Option>>Section

    You will find background color option within the section.

    Animation and spaces between section issue have been solved. Kindly check and confirm.


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