Carousel Read More Links

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    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    Member since: May 11, 2015

    I need to edit the read more links in the carousel but I don’t know where they’re located to edit them.

    I looked in section 1 where the actual carousel short code is but you can’t edit the links there.

    Please get back with me on where I can edit these links.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Kindly go to Appearance>Editor>custom-functions.php and find read more. Change the text.


    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    I don’t think you’re following what I’m saying.

    What I want to do is this.

    I want to edit the read more links in the carousel to go to specific pages I have set up.  Each one of my carousel sections is a page I’ve added to my site.   So when a user clicks on the readmore link they’re taken to that specific page.

    Do you follow what I’m saying?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Yes so if you have this shortcode of carousel:

    [carousel_content title=”Title Here” image=”images URL here” link=”Link Here”]
    Your content goes here…….

    You can see how i wrote link=”place full http link here”



    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    How come the shortcode does not include the ( link=”Link Here” )  Because its not there in the shortcode.  So until its fixed people will forever be asking the question I asked about it.

    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    Adding  ( link=”Link Here” )  didn’t do anything for that at all.   The read more when hovering over it show  and that is it no link was created anywhere I could find in the carousel for that.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Send us email: [email protected] with your WordPress admin details.

    By the way instead of Link here actual link is to be added then it will link properly.


    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    I realize that replacing the “Link Here”  with the actual url is the correct way.  This isn’t my first website.  I’ve been doing this since 2005 however it is a challenge to navigate individual developer themes when they add elements in the code that can’t be edited because they failed to give the end user all the information to edit those elements such is the case with the read more links on this theme.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Okay apologize. Will be updating the theme by next month actually.

    We are going down the order of themes and slowly updating all the old themes to become effective and easy for users to edit. Understand read more text also should have been editable.


    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    I hope so because I won’t be able to sell this site and business if not.   The next user if they have less experience than me it’s going to be a pain in my rear to deal with them on an everyday basis.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    I did apply the link and it does work. Replied to you with explanation of what you might have done wrong.


    greg Tgreg T
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    Could you post what the final solution was? Having the same issue and would like to add the custom link to a corresponding page.

    Henry MasonHenry Mason
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    Member since: May 11, 2015

    This is what I see in my section editor

    [carousel][carousel_content title=”Assembly” image=”” link=””]Assembling items such as desks, shelves and other project kits can be quite burdensome for some.[/carousel_content]

    The only thing I can think of to tell you is make sure that you write all the link info in visual mode with the short code.   I’m not 100% certain but I think short codes must be saved in visual mode to work correctly.

    Its just a hunch so try it and see.

    greg Tgreg T
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    Thank you. I had everything correct but no luck….. but, checked it all in text mode and there was a bunch of formatting within the short coding. Removed that and it’s working.

    Thanks for your help. Now to check the formatting elsewhere as I’m having some odd issues all over the place.  🙂

    greg Tgreg T
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    As a note to anyone reading this thread – I found that editing the shortcode in text mode worked. It kept the formatting out of play and worked from there.

    I’d recommend doing all editing within the Theme Options in text mode. This seems to have corrected several issues I was having.

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