Can I use the "Social Setting" on other pages too?

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    Sebastian JabbuschSebastian Jabbusch
    • Topics: 5
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    Member since: March 14, 2015

    I read that you can use the links to all my social media pages on other pages then the startpage?

    I would love to add them to my contact page:

    In other threats I read something about [Social] as short version to get them. But when I add [Social] in the text fild, I only got exactly that, but not the icons and links.

    Sorry for the stupid question 🙁

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    You will have to upgrade the theme however disclaimer your social icons via theme options will be lost and you will have to add additional section via appearance theme options and then paste the shortcode there:

    [social link=”#” icon=”facebook”]
    [social link=”#” icon=”twitter”]
    [social link=”#” icon=”google-plus”]
    [social link=”#” icon=”linkedin”]
    [social link=”#” icon=”pinterest”]
    [social link=”#” icon=”youtube”]

      You can check for more social icons or more icons here:

      If you want to upgrade the theme?

    Given you re-access to the theme till 31st July. Kindly download the theme from here: (use forgot password in case you forgot)

    Theme Instructions after download:

    Kindly visit Appearance>Themes>Activate some other theme for the time being.

    Then click on old Pro theme and delete it. Don’t worry deleting the theme doesn’t delete its settings at all.

    Then visit Appearance>Themes>Add New and upload the zip you just downloaded of the new theme.

    And Activate. 

    Sebastian JabbuschSebastian Jabbusch
    • Topics: 5
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    Member since: March 14, 2015

    Great that has worked out all fine. Exept from one small strange thing:

    We the theme update the section “my offer” is now brocken into two rows.

    Screenshot here:

    I dont know why?

    p.S.: I use these custom css lines that you recommended me to get rid of the “read more” buttons:{display:none !important;}
    #services-box .read-more{display:none;}

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 10
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    Member since: June 12, 2013

    Remove spaces in between the codes. Go to html mode in Section 1 and remove any gaps, spaces between the shortcodes. And save. Should be fine.

    Still not send us email: [email protected] with WordPress admin details.


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