Bakery Theme: add address lines

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  • #15738
    Stuart FarrimondStuart Farrimond
    • Topics: 13
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    Member since: November 9, 2015

    Hi there,

    In the address (‘Our Location’) section of the footer, only three lines are allowed in the theme options. The business address looks very squashed because everything needs to be squeezed into three lines. (under development)
    How can additional lines be added? – adding <br> to the text doesn’t force a line break.

    Many thanks for the support,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    There is no limitations for text there. You can just write your address and manage it through line height.

    e.g. Address line 1 : Young Blooms, Hartley Farm Winsley,
    Address line 2 : Nr Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, BA15 2JB,
    Address line 3 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis consectetur lacus neque

    So if you want to add line you have to put it on same line. it is automatically breaks and for squeezing use line height css property.


    Stuart FarrimondStuart Farrimond
    • Topics: 13
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    Member since: November 9, 2015

    Thanks for the reply
    Do you mean that I need to add a text box widget in the footer space, rather than use the theme options >> Footer (which only has three address lines after title)? I want to have it looking like:
    Young Blooms,
    Hartley Farm,
    Nr. Bradford-on-Avon,

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
    • Topics: 0
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    No, Just write down the address in theme option>footer.
    for multiple lines put text in same address line


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