Amount of text in woocommerce product (SKT Clean)

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  • #150969
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    Member since: November 23, 2016

    How can I increase the amount of text in woocommerce product, for some reason the SKT Clean theme only allows me to enter little text.

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Thank you for being our customer and purchasing themes from SKT Themes.

    We are offering our old themes customers renewal discounts to be get back access to all the exciting themes we have launched till date along with support of 1 year.

    Renew for just $69 and get access to all themes from SKT Themes and use the themes for lifetime on multiple domains/websites.

    Here’s the link for payment via PayPal:

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Pay via Credit Card:

    We look forward to welcoming you again into our family.


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    Member since: November 23, 2016

    no thanks, that error has the template since the first time I bought it and asked for support at that time and they told me that everything was fine that it was not a defect of the template. Thanks I just needed a simple and quick solution with Css

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: November 23, 2016

    so, can’t you help me with a simple and quick solution a simple css code?
    Or is a payment mandatory?
    a little help to an old customer? 🙂

    See how the text has a limit and does not allow me to write more
    [URL removed as per client request]

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Understand however this is not a strict theme issue as the excerpt length for WooCommerce product should be managed via WooCommerce templates.

    You can either find a plugin to increase excerpt length or else buy the all themes package again for 69 USD.

    In case you only need a single theme support it will be 18 USD.


    • Topics: 1
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    Member since: November 23, 2016

    Who assures me that paying for an update will solve the problem?

    2 years ago you told me the same thing I paid 1 more year of license and the themes are having the same problem

    a plugin to increase excerpt length woocommerce…. Dont Exist! or Where there is one?

    Could you at least tell me where the problem may be,
    and I will fix it via the template code

    “excerpt length for WooCommerce product should be managed via WooCommerce templates”
    (¿? where is this)

    ok if you can’t help me, then can you delete the forum topic that I did?

    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    As per our discussion in whatsapp you have to pay for support.

    Either for single theme or all themes.


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