Adventure theme blog page edit needed

Home Forums All Other Themes Adventure theme blog page edit needed

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  • #91010
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    Member since: December 25, 2017

    My site is The issue I am having is that on the blog page the blog section starts too high on the page and so the logo overlaps. How to edit, there do not seem to be any options to edit the blog page.

    • Topics: 4
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    Member since: December 25, 2017

    OK so I found a workaround- i deleted the blog page that came with the Adventure Theme and added a new page of a blog type. I do still ave another problem with both my “Services” page and the page that comes up when you select read more for a blog. Neither will show a featured image and both have a large gray band between the menu bar and the rest of the page. Please help.

    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    Do you want featured image to be displayed in place of large gray band below the menu bar or in content?


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