A few questions about Movers Pro

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  • #37088
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    Member since: May 25, 2016


    I have a few formatting questions about Movers Pro.

    1. The “Email Us” logo in my header is below the envelope icon, rather than beside it like the phone and address logo are, is there a way to change this?
    2. Can the “Pages” links be centred on the page?
    3. I wanted to put a Privacy Policy on the site, but I don’t need it as a page link, can it be moved to only appear at the bottom? I’d like to do a similar thing with the “Questions and Inquiries” page.
    4. Can the address, call us, and email us widgets below the welcome photos be changed from the blue it is, to #d1a700?

    I think that’s all for now! for reference, the link to the company site is temp.optvialogistics.com


    Sonal S SinhaSonal S Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013

    Hi Conor,

    Kindly go to Appearance>>Theme Option>>Basic Setting>>Custom CSS Box

    Add this code there:

    .header-right .column3{width:245px !important;}
    .header .header-inner .nav{text-align:center;}
    .footer-top i{background:#d1a700 !important;}


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