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I’m a bit confused, because you have written the original code. Or not? So, usualy you must know, where to edit the code.
I use your themes and your service more than 5 years. I spent more than 1k US-Dollar for business with you. I’m a litle bit disapointed on the answer “it works not together”.Anyway, I found a plugin for the job “Ajax Search Lite”. It overwrites the results from the internal search engine and gives me results sortet by date. But: it is one more – usualy – not needed plugin.
do you maybe have an answer for me?
I’ve seen you put the same PHP code to my function.php them the last time.
BUT: with this code the option “edit picture” will NOT work
After insering the code – do you test the point “edit picture” ?
This are the last original lines php code
<?php }
add_action(‘wp_head’,’custom_slide_function’); ?>
//End of original function.php code – picture edit works – sort by date works not – is the “]” after <?php correct? there is no open “{” first !?//<?php
function my_sort_custom( $orderby, $query ){
global $wpdb;if(!is_admin() && is_search())
$orderby = $wpdb->prefix.”posts.post_type ASC, {$wpdb->prefix}posts.post_date DESC”;return $orderby;
// This is the new code from you for sorting by date – with this code the “edit picture” will NOT work //At the moment I use the old code, because I must work on the site!
EDIT: I test the complete code from your original function.php in a code checker.
Result: line 802 have errors:
<?php function custom_slide_function(){ ?>Is this a old bug inside the code?
do you tryed it a 2.nd time?
sorry, I exchanged the functions.php, but I didn’t set the correct file rights / owner. Now it works.
MarkusHi Dave,
CURRENT: I use the old functions.php WITHOUT the new code – from you – for site search sorted by date
WHEN: I use the modificated functions.php WITH the new code (you put some PHP at the end of the file) the editor shows no picture.
Q: What can we do for: I want to use your new code for search results sorted by date AND I can edit my pictures inside.
ok, the picture shows a post and the used picture.
When I use the new, from your hand edit functions.php, the picture is not shown:
1: you see the picture from the post
2. the picture is not shown for editing
3. the button “crop”is not highlightedWhen I use the old function.php the editor works and the picture is loaded.
Edit: at the moment I use the old, working function.php!
The new code works fine for date-sorting. BUT: with the new code in the function.php the function “Image / Edit Image” shows no picture and the button “Crop” is not highlighted. Sounds strange, but:
I have a staging site /copy of my site. I used there the old and the new funktion.php – same result. Any idea?site:
You have already access dataInfo: I jumped back to the old function.php, because I made some article with pictures.
it works fine – thank you.
Q: will a theme update kill the changed code?
I think a screenshot is not helpfull – I cant show you the completet results.
1. Search for “Kaspersky”
2. Result: all news with Kaspersky are sortet by “relevance” – the news “date” is not considered – so the newest post is on position 11. Older posts are placed before newer posts, because they are more relevant.My wish:
The results for the serach-string “Kaspersky” shows all news sortet by date: so the last news is on first position in the result – oldest post on last position.More clear?
MarkusSorry, I found 1 more mail from you in my spam …I will answer you there
Q1: What is a “section class css”?. Do you have an example for me? You have examples or a documentation?
Q2: I “need” 2 or 3 categories for each articel, so I can show one article in the “News”, in a partner-slot “Partner”, and maybe in a special sorted group “technologie”. If I follow your answer, I have only 1 category for each article. In your documentation “” I found no answer for this problem. Maybe there is a code for “cat1=show” “cat2=hide”….etc.
I use the plugin Yoast SEO. This plugin marks the “primary” category for SEO. Maybe I can use this technolgy for my problem.Regards
My solution for the section (shown on your screenshot above) works fine – changes maybe later.
Q1: In Section I can set a “section css class” – do you have a documentation for this point? Maybe from a other theme…
Q2: I use categories ex. “PR-Meldung” for section 2 on ( But each article has also a 2nd categorie – the company name. In section 2 I see now booth names at the top of the picture (in alphabetical order). Is the a solution to “show” only the main category PR-Meldung”?
Best Regards
I sent you some days ago a screenshot – but I get no answer. How can we go on?
Markusthe forum dont likes me – I cant post with a picture – I dont understand why.