Carpet Cleaning Versión: pro6.0 [ERROR] Failed to import

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  • #227722
    Francisco Rubén Jorquera VillarroelFrancisco Rubén Jorquera Villarroel
    • Topics: 43
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    Member since: December 31, 2020

    In Carpet Cleaning Versión: pro6.0 [ERROR] Failed to import

    [ERROR] Failed to import “widgets-1” (Medios)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “gallerythumb05” (Medios)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “newsthumb2” (Medios)

    The demo import has finished, but there were some import errors.
    More details about the errors can be found in this log file

    —Downloaded files—
    The import files for: Import SKT Complete Demo were successfully downloaded!
    Initial max execution time = 30000
    Files info:
    Site URL =
    Data file = /home/datablickpro/public_html/
    Widget file = not defined!
    Customizer file = not defined!

    —Importing content—
    [ERROR] Failed to import “widgets-1” (Medios)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “gallerythumb05” (Medios)
    [ERROR] Failed to import “newsthumb2” (Medios)

    Max execution time after content import = 300

    I will send you access to the wordpress administration site by email.

    On the other hand, it seems that the 2024 theme download list does not include updated or new themes. Could you please review them?

    This question arises because this theme Carpet Cleaning Version: pro6.0 on your website is currently listed under a different theme name “Cleaning Company” and I believe this might extend to several themes that were updated, fixed or added last year. I would appreciate your review on this matter.


    Sonl SinhaSonl Sinha
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    Member since: August 16, 2013


    This is resolved by email.


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